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A Particle of Dread: Oedipus Variations - Berkeleyside Review

Review:  Sam Shepard’s last play, ‘A Particle of Dread: Oedipus Variations,’ gets Bay Area premiere

From Berkeleyside -

Here are a few excerpts from Emily S. Mendel's review of the play.

A Particle Of Dread: Oedipus Variations

The production’s venue is the Old Finnish Hall on 10th Street in Berkeley. It was built soon after the 1906 earthquake by the local Finnish community and has a cavernous auditorium, a community kitchen, and meeting rooms. It is now used as a cultural and community center. A Particle of Dread is presented on the floor of the auditorium, with about 30 folding chairs for seating.


Director Robert Estes displays a keen insight into the mind of Sam Shepard, and much time and effort have gone into this production. I applaud these two small but sophisticated theater companies in having the mettle to mount this challenging 105-minute, no-intermission production, especially considering that their resources are limited. We in Berkeley are fortunate to have companies such as Anton’s Well Theater Company and Actors Ensemble of Berkeley which, out of pure love of theater, present an array of cultural offerings at affordable prices.

For the compleate article click here: https://www.berkeleyside.com/2019/10/30/sam-shepards-last-play-a-particle-of-dread-oedipus-variations-gets-bay-area-premiere

Thank You

Actors Ensemble of Berkeley is delighted to acknowledge the Berkeley Civic Arts Program and Civic Arts Commission's support in the form of a grant of $8,000.00 awarded in 2017. Also, a thank you to Theatre Bay Area for a grant of $2,500.00.

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Actors Ensemble of Berkeley - P.O. Box 663 - Berkeley - California - 94701 ¦ Our Answering Service: (510) 649-5999 ¦

We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Federal Tax ID #946139640, since 04-1967